Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Reading Challenge

I've been doing a bunch of great "teacher reading" for the new school year and relaxing with my audio books downloaded from the library. I've gone through seven so far!! I listen while I clean, drive, and walk the dogs.  

Let me know what you are reading throughout the summer and I am going to enter all the names into a drawing for some back-to-school gift certificates!!

Here's what I have been reading. Be prepared for some big changes this year! It's going to be an incredible adventure!!

👍🏻 Mrs. Dowling

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Good morning friends,

I hope you are enjoying your summer so far and that everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July. Thankfully Annie and Gable, my greyhounds, did not get too upset by the local fireworks!

It's getting close to the big Costa Rica adventure but I wanted to share an adventure that was a little bit closer to home first. I tackled my very cluttered and messy garage - all my fault!

It was actually far less painful than I thought it would be. However, it did take me over 5 hours!

What adventures have you been on so far this summer? Remember adventures come in all shapes and sizes.

Stay tuned as I attempt to tackle the weeds in my horribly overgrown perennial gardens! Yes, I am totally putting this off because it is going to be horrible!

Costa Rica after the fact...

Well friends, we made it back from Costa Rica and it was amazing. My job down there was to spot the birds and color commentary (this mea...